Become a Virtual Farmer with Grow Hope Saskatchewan!
Rally around local farmers who are growing hope on a global scale.
Funds raised through Grow Hope Saskatchewan help support people around the world with emergency food supplies and long-term food security.
Help end global hunger around the world.
How it works.
Generous farmers in Saskatchewan agree to grow and donate land to grow a crop for Grow Hope Saskatchewan.
You sponsor the growth of a crop with a donation to help cover the costs of farming. It costs up to $350 per acre to provide seed, fertilizer, fuel and other things needed to grow a crop.
After harvest, farmers sell the crop and donate the proceeds to Canadian Foodgrains Bank. The proceeds from the sale of the crop can be as much as $600 per acre or more. Crop proceeds used to provide emergency food assistance for people living through a crisis may be matched 4:1 through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank’s Partnership with Global Affairs Canada.
Meet our farmers.
Nathan & Jeanette Janzen
Rosthern, SK
Founding Farmers
Nathan & Jeanette Janzen own and operate a grain farm in the Rosthern area. Nathan’s family has been involved in community growing projects with CFGB for decades and were instrumental in establishing the Grow Hope model in Saskatchewan. The Janzens decided to get involved in the project to help others and go beyond routine farming and add value to what they do.
Ian, Patrick & Reg Sonntag
Goodsoil, SK | Farming Oats
Ian, Patrick and Reg Sonntag and their families farm together in the Goodsoil area operating a mixed farming operation with both grain and cattle. They are third generation farmers on the original homestead.
Terry & Lichelle Aberhart & Family
Aberhart Farms Inc.
Langenburg, SK
Aberhart Farms Inc. is a progressive dry-land grain farming operation located near Langenburg, Saskatchewan close to the Saskatchewan/Manitoba boarder. Aberhart Farms is a family owned and operated business with a focus on community values, their farm team and their families.
Terry & Lichelle’s passion for agriculture is motivation to produce the highest quality crops in the most efficient and environmentally sustainable manner helping to feed the world. The farm team, family values, and industry expertise is the heart of what drives our business. Giving back is something we strive to do. Click here for more info.
Dan & Carol Siebert
Main Centre, SK | Farming Lentils
Dan and Carol Siebert own and operate a farm near Main Centre. The couple has operated the farm with their children Keri and Michael and in 2008 the farm was officially incorporated under the name “Kariel Farms”. Dan and Carol have greatly enjoyed living and working in the small community of Main Centre. Their experiences in this community, their wider travels, their faith, and their volunteer time with MCC have stirred in them a strong desire to bless others.
Esther & Russ Quiring
Laird, SK | Farming Wheat
Russ and Esther Quiring farm in the Laird area. They helped get Grow Hope off the ground in 2018 and are back to help again. Russ and Esther are member of a Mennonite Brethren Church in Waldheim.
Michelle & Brian Hergott
Bruno, SK | Farming Canola
Brian & Michelle Hergott own and operate a grain farm west of Bruno. They are third generation family farm. They have three adult children that currently live off the farm. They feel that Grow Hope is an answer to prayer as for years Brian has expressed a desire to help others and their biggest opportunity and gift is to give by farming.
Josh, Janelle & Richard Prybylski
Creekridge Farms
Willowbrook, SK | Farming Wheat
Josh and Janelle Prybylski operate a grain farm near Willowbrook together with Josh’s dad, Richard, and other family members. The farm was involved with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank several years ago and have now renewed their participation through Grow Hope Saskatchewan.
The Prybylskis like the way the project works of bringing different denominations together to work towards the same thing. They farm about 13,000 acres altogether and set aside some of those acres to support the project. They see this as an extension of their faith, and feel it is a small way to fulfil the call in their lives to help those in need. The family are members of a Baptist church in Willowbrook, SK.
Grow Hope Saskatchewan is a partnership between Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), Saskatoon Catholic Diocese, Development and Peace, Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM), Synod of Saskatchewan of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the Anglican Diocese of Qu’Appelle. This cooperative effort is an expression of our shared desire to provide food around the world to people whose resources are scarce.