Launching a New Season
On March 23rd, we held a Zoom meeting with most of the core participants of the project.
It was the first time that we had all met together. It was exciting to see the growth of the project with representation from communities in multiple areas of the province. Julie Derksen, a guest from the Foodgrains Bank joined us, and we ended the meeting with a prayer from Dennis Shierman of CBM. Here is a redacted version to launch the new season:
Blessed Lord, we pray for those that are forgotten, overlooked, or even misunderstood. Please help us to be hands and feet to those in need. We ask for strength where strength is needed and wisdom, health, and resources to fulfil what you have called us to. We count it a privilege to serve you in this way and we ask you to bless the labour of our hands. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Meet one of our new farmers:
Russ and Esther Quiring farm in the Laird area. They helped get Grow Hope off the ground in 2018 and are back to help again. Russ and Esther are member of a Mennonite Brethren Church in Waldheim.
Field Day Event:
For the past two seasons, Covid has kept us from meeting together at a larger annual Field Day event. This year, we are making plans to revive it. Watch for information coming soon.