Field updates for September 2022
It was obvious to see what a difference that rainfall and temperature variation made on yield throughout the province:
Sieberts (Main Centre) – completed the harvest of their lentil crop on August 12. All things considered, the outcome was favorable, but it was obvious that the heat and dry weather in July took its toll on the crop. The yield was below average at about 20/bu per acre.
Photo: The Siebert and Holfeld harvest crew near Main Centre.
Janzens (Rosthern) – have completed their entire harvest. Mostly average to slightly below average yields. The wheat yielded around 50 bu/ac but with good quality.
Quirings (Laird) – throughout their farm, much of the crop was average, and canola below average but the wheat that was designated to the project resulted in a strong yield of around 67 bu/ac and also was good quality.
Hergotts (Bruno) – have all the other crops harvested except their canola. That is often left for last because it is not susceptible to damage from rain at that stage. They expect a yield of up to 55 bu/ac which is a very good outcome.
An evening shot of the Hergott’s Grow Hope canola field near Bruno, SK
Sonntags (Goodsoil) – Hope to be finished harvest by the end of September with some canola remaining. This year the Sonntag’s grew oats for Grow Hope and they were pleased to see their yields slightly above average.
A shot from the Sonntags’ oats field harvest
Prybylskis (Willowbrook)– still working at harvesting their crop. Seeding was delayed in spring by excess moisture and harvest was also recently delayed due to rain. They are praying for sunshine and for crops to dry down so they can finish up.