Presbyterians and Anglicans join Grow Hope Saskatchewan
Primates World Relief & Development Fund (PWRDF) share their journey to joining Grow Hope.
PWRDF is pleased to join Grow Hope Saskatchewan. Our first experience with a Grow Hope project was Anglican Grow Hope in Manitoba. It was inspiring to see how parishioners connected with local farmers and became so much more aware of the challenges facing Canada’s agriculture industry. The farmers were able to live out their faith by sharing their land, skills and livelihood to raise funds for the Foodgrains Bank.
The best part was that the relationships grew too! Grow Hope Saskatchewan provides yet another opportunity for relationship building. This ecumenical project provides a way to work together towards a common goal of ending hunger.
Our membership in the Foodgrains Bank allows us to expand our reach around the world and make a bigger impact by collaborating with other member agencies. We are grateful to be able to learn from the hard work of Mennonite Central Committee, Saskatoon Catholic Diocese, Development and Peace and Canadian Baptist Ministries who started this project and continue to offer leadership and guidance to new members.
The RT Reverend Helen Kennedy, Bishop, of the Anglican Diocese
of Qu’Appelle.
Kim Umbach, Volunteer Coordinator, PWRDF
Samuel Ferguson, PWRDF Diocesan Representative, Diocese of Qu’Appelle
Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) tell us why they joined the project.
Presbyterian World Service & Development celebrated its 75th anniversary last year. "Inspired by God’s promise of abundant life, PWS&D envisions a sustainable, compassionate and just world." PWS&D is one of the partners in the Canadian FoodGrains Bank and supports its efforts.
In October, 2022, Guy Smagghe, the Associate Secretary of PWS&D was a guest presenter at the annual meeting of the Synod of Saskatchewan of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. He spoke about the work of the Canadian FoodGrains Bank and highlighted the Grow Hope initiatives. It was exciting to discover that Grow Hope Saskatchewan is an ecumenical project that we could join and we were inspired to explore becoming a partner in its work. The Synod voted unanimously in January to partner with Grow Hope Saskatchewan.
Helping to alleviate hunger in the world is an important goal and the Synod of Saskatchewan is encouraging Presbyterians throughout the Synod to get involved. We look forward to the partnership, to having a great growing season, and making a difference in helping to alleviate the world hunger crisis.
Jo Szostak – Congregational and Mission Development Coordinator, of the Synod of Saskatchewan of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.