Field Updates for June 2023
Seeding conditions for the 2023 Grow Hope Saskatchewan crops were mostly positive, and all six fields were planted in a timely fashion. Growing conditions have been variable but most of the crops have been receiving helpful rainfall and adequate sunshine. In most cases, that rainfall has not been excessive but adequate. In those conditions, it’s helpful to have rain every week or two.
Probably the most rain received, was at the Sonntag farm, near Goodsoil, SK. It was dry at the beginning but they recently received xix inches! Here’s a picture of their oats, looking healthy and vibrant:
On the Hergott’s farm, near Bruno, SK it had been quite dry but recently received a moderate amount that has helped with the development of their barley crop, which is now maturing nicely. In fact, you can see by the picture that it is started to head. They’ve had two inches total rain this spring so more is needed soon. Barley has one of the shortest time-frames to reach full maturity and is not very tolerant to dry conditions.
And here are current pictures as the crop starts the beginning of the flowering season: